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Paimon Commands
many commands are disabled for rewrite
[ ] = required | < > = optional
?ban [user] - ban a mentioned user from server | example: ?ban @batata#0004
?kick [user] - kick a mentioned user from server | example: ?kick @batata#0004
?clear [amount] - clear a large amount of messages in the chat | example: ?clear 100
?mute [user] - mute a mentioned user from server (give "mute-role") | example: ?mute @batata#0004
?unmute [user] - unmute a mentioned user from server (take "mute-role") | example: ?unmute @batata#0004
?warn [user] [reason] - warn a mentioned user from server | example: ?warn @batata#0004 warned for being too amazing >:(
?unwarn [user] - remove the last warn of a mentioned user from server | example: ?unwarn @batata#0004
?unban [user/ID] - unban a mentioned user from server | example: ?unban @batata#0004
?mute-role [@role] - set an mentioned role in *muted-role* (when using the 'mute' command, the user will receive this role) | example: ?mute-role @muted <[important]
?addemoji [attach file] <name for emoji> - add an emoji on the server. | example: ?add-emoji [image.png] kawaii
?channelxp [true or false] - disable and enable the xp rate on the channel (users will or will not receive xp when typing in this chat). | example: ?channelxp false
?set-up <message> - defines the message that will appear when a user level up | configs: {username} = return username in message, {newlevel} return the level from user in message | example: ?set-up gg!! {username}, are u now in the level {newlevel}!
?set-suggest [#channel] [true or false] - disables and enables the "suggestion" setting on the mentioned channel (whenever a user sends a message, the bot will react with 👎and 👍) | example: ?set-suggest #suggestionsChat true
?edit-xp [@user] [amount] - edit an user xp | example: ?edit-xp @batata#0004 +900 / ?edit-xp @batata#0004 -900
?lock <#channel> - lock the mentioned channel for role @everyone | example: ?lock #general / ?lock
?unlock <#channel> - unlock the mentioned channel for role @everyone | example: ?unlock #general / ?unlock
?slowmode <#channel> [time] - set an slowmode to channel | example: ?slowmode 20s / ?slowmode #general 20s
temporarily disabled
temporarily disabled
temporarily disabled
temporarily disabled
?prefix [new-prefix] - change bot prefix from server | example: ?prefix !
?profile <user> - get profile of user from server | example: ?profile @batata#0004
?avatar <user> - get icon/avatar of user from server | example: ?avatar @batata#0004
?pay [user] [amount] - have gems left over? give some to your friend | example: ?pay @batata#0004 10000
?marry [user] - marry with a mentioned user from server [weddings cost 10k gems from both users] | example: ?marry @batata#0004
?divorce - Aren't you happy with your marriage? divorce from this disaster | example: ?divorce
?leaderboard - see the global ranking | example: ?leaderboard xp
?warnlist <@user> - see warns from mentioned user. | example: ?warnlist @paimon
?rank <@user> - get a local xp from an user | example: ?rank @batata#0000
temporarily disabled
?ping - ping of bot | example: ?ping
?roll <number> - return a random number | example: ?roll 900
?snipe <#channel> - returns the last deleted message on that channels | example: ?snipe #general
?choose [option1] , [option2] , ... - let paimon choose one of the options you give. | example: ?choose paimon is cute, paimon is not cute, paimon is very cute
?calc [math calc] - solves mathematical equations. | example: ?calc 90+10-(50/2)
?emoji [emoji] - get the emoji you used in the message, as an image | example: ?emoji 😍
?remind [time] [text] - will remind you after set time | example: ?remind 7d wake up, it's been 7 days!
temporarily disabled
?8ball [question] - ask a question for the 8 ball | example: ?8ball paimon is cute?
?bite <@user> - bites an user | example: ?bite @batata#0000
?cry <@user> - cries for an user | example: ?cry @batata#0000
?dance <@user> - dance with an user | example: ?dance @batata#0000
?wall - get a desktop/mobile wallpaper | example: ?wall
?hug <@user> - hug an user | example: ?hug @batata#0000
?kiss <@user> - kiss an user | example: ?kiss @batata#0000
?lick <@user> - lick an user | example: ?lick @batata#0000
?pat <@user> - pat an user head | example: ?pat @batata#0000
?poke <@user> - poke an user | example: ?poke @batata#0000
?slap <@user> - slap an user | example: ?slap @batata#0000
?smug <@user> - do smug for an user | example: ?smug @batata#0000
?spank <@user> - spank an user | example: ?spank @batata#0000
?nhentai [option] - in the "search" option you are able to find a hentai by its ID. in the "random" option you get a random hentai from the site "" | example: ?nhentai random or ?nhentai search 331384
?hentai - return a random hentai image/gif. | example: ?hentai
?fuck <@user> - fucks an user. | example: ?fuck @miaKhalifa
Roleplay Systems
?set-slot [position (1-10)] [text] - change option 1 in card command. u can use ?card to see | example: ?set-value 1 name
?set-card-color [HEX COLOR] - change embed color in ?card command [don use #] | example: ?set-card-color eb4034
temporarily disabled
Custom Commands
?Create-cc - starts the questionnaire for creating custom commands | example: ?create-cc | variables:
?delete-cc [trigger] - delete a command by trigger | example: ?delete-cc ping
?cc-list - see all custom commands in server | example: ?cc-list
you can use the commands with '?<trigger>'. like: if u create a "hello" command, bot will responds ?hello
?card <@user> - see user rpg informations | example: ?card
?set [slot] [text] - change ur rpg information! u can see in ?card | example: ?set 1 Batata if "1" in ?card = name, u change "name" to "batata"
?set image [attach file] - change ur rpg image! u can see in ?card | example: ?set image [person.png]
if you are confused about how to use the card system, click here to see an preview
?tul-create <any name> / <prefix> - create a tupper to be used | example: ?tul-create Paimon Bot / p:
?tul-avatar <tupper name> [attach image] - change the avatar of the tupper who owns the given name | example: ?tul-avatar Paimon Bot [image.png]
?tul-delete <tupper name> - delete tupper by name | example: ?tul-delete Paimon Bot
?tul-list - check your tuppers list | example: ?tul-list
?tul-manage-roles <@role> <true / false> - change a role's permission to create and use tuppers in server | example: ?tul-manage-roles @staff true
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